I wanna be a kid again, when I never knew what's pain.
Rekindle my childhood, and forget what today has brought me to.
Hello, you. :)
![Joe Jonas [HQ] by shaunae :).](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2236/3836542162_158c615907.jpg)
The last night of the holidays. Sigh. School resumes tomorrow morning. And I have to admit, I didn't something that I promised myself to do during the holidays: S-T-U-D-Y for the finals which is on October 20 (sorry to remind you about it). I've been going online everyday, mainly on MSN and Twitter.
Twitter had been awesome to me. Joe Jonas (@SupermanJosephJ, yes he changed his Twitter account) replied my tweets for 6 times and Kevin Jonas (@K2Jonas21) finally replied my tweet for the first time! Yes, I truly encourage you to start a Twitter account if you don't have one. It's fun and soon, you'll get addicted to it. :D
Yesterday was super awesome! The morning wasn't so good, cause I gotta get up early for the 6 -and-a-half-hour long tuition replacement/revision class which starts at 9 am. Thank God for Mom saving both Sis and my necks at around 2.15 pm. Went off to Kepong to Dad's friend's place for awhile (which seemed like forever) then went to KL. After Mom and Dad had enough to see in the Louis Vuitton store at Starhill Gallery, Dad had to go for a meeting dinner with his friends, so he dropped Mom, Sis and I at Pavillion. The three of us went for a window-shopping spree since its been awhile since we done that. Went to Esprit, Roxy, Nike, Adidas, Topshop, Bossini and Stadium to look for some stuff.
I found some clothings that I like at Esprit and Puma. So, I ended up purchasing a green shorts and a long black knitted cardigan from Esprit and a hooded green and yellow striped dress (Mom liked me in it, not that I want that dress badly) from Puma. Mom allowed us to purchase some clothes cause she said that I am growing up and I need to wear more variety of clothes instead of t-shirt and jeans/shorts. I simply have to agree with her.
A shopping spree with your Mom is good, if you do it ONCE in a blue moon, not every weekend. Geez, your parents don't print cash, they earn them. Shopping with Mom and Sis brought back the childhood memories when Mom used to hold my hand wherever we are, and she still does now.
Who cares if I will never grow up? It's better than being like other teenagers who lives in a different world from their parents.
That's all for now. Hopefully school tomorrow won't be that bad. My study mood has to come. Happy studying for the examinations, peeps! Take care and goodbye. Loves.
![Joe Jonas [HQ] by shaunae :).](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2236/3836542162_158c615907.jpg)
Credits to Shaunae's Flickr.
Thanks for being my Superman on Friday. I wish I can meet you for real one day. :)
.:.:.:.:$[u]E t[E]nG:.:.:.:.
Sometimes, I don't know what I want.