
Yours Truly


8 Other Random Facts About Me =P

Rules & regulations.
1) Each person tagged must post these rules.
2) They must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3) When I say random, I mean R-A-N-D-O-M.
4) You'll have to elaborate about the facts.
5) The blogger shall then tag 8 of their pitiful friends.

Fact #1

I can be a loner sometimes.

Yes, I can be a loner sometimes. I can stay with me, myself and I for a day. Well, not exactly a day. Just maybe for more than 3 hours. I sometimes feel like being alone, too.

Fact #2

I can be very ANNOYING at times.

Yes, I can. I really can. I annoy my sis, like, at least once a week. xP I even annoyed my parents 'til they scolded me. -.-

Fact #3

I L-O-V-E backpacks.

Yes, yes, YES!!!!! I love them! It's just so much convenient carrying a backpack around. :D I make my sister's life easier (cause she'll just dump all of her stuff in my backpack).

Fact #4

I can cry easily.

C'mon. I'm a girl. You can't expect me to act tough for the rest of my life. I cried when I watched "The Seventh Day" recently. It's hard to hold back your tears when you're watching that Chinese drama. And I cry/ tear when I watch those dramas or movies that will make your eyes water.

Fact #5

I love music. ^^

Hellooooo? Like you don't? Music activates my life. It's like, everything little thing that happens in life can be related to a song. I find that cool. =)

Fact #6

I like t-shirts with funny quotes and cute cartoons. :D

I have a few t-shirts that have funny quotes printed on top of them. And, I have a lamb t-shirt. Yes, a LAMB t-shirt!!! xD I love these t-shirts. So next time if you wanna get me a t-shirt, you know what kind of t-shirt to get for me. *wink*

Fact #7

I still play with Barbies! xD

Like Siao Lin, I still do play with Barbies! I don't find it wrong or childish to play with dolls at my age. Dressing up Barbies are still my thing. x)

Fact #8

I'm not good in studies.

Yeah. I'm serious. I'm not good in studies. I get average/ low grades for my exams. So, don't come bringing your Maths book and ask me to help you solve a Math question. I warned you. =P


Yeah, that's another 8 random facts about me. I'm in the Northam Hotel in Penang now for the Cheng Beng festival; which is also known as the Chinese All Souls Day. Will tell you more about it when I'm back in KL. Toodles! Have a great Saturday!!! =)

.:.:.:.:$[u]E t[E]nG:.:.:.:.
Mushroom, anchovy, sexaroni, cheese. xD