Something I do to get my sadness, disappointment, excitement and happiness out of my chest.
Something I do if I don't want to tell anyone how I feel.
Something I do cause I know no one will want to listen to me ranting forever about the same old thing.
Unexpectedly unexpected. I misinterpreted things and its outcome. People do care. Patience does makes a difference. Words do reignite the old feelings deep down in the heart. Catching up with some good old pals are good for the soul. Reading text messages could be a sheer pleasure. It's just how you see things from various perspectives. Discover the undiscovered.
You got my mind spinning. Mmmhmm, I feel so inspired.

My idol. He truly inspires me in so many ways that people couldn't see. :)

I'm gonna get my hands on this album as soon as I a get to a nearby video/CD store! :D
.:.:.:.:$[u]E t[E]nG:.:.:.:.
You make me smile so wide that it could light up this whole town.